Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mosquito za Kwetu...

So, I had one of those nights. Insomnia the end, and when I say insomnia its not your ordinary walk in the park insomnia, my kind of insomnia is for real. Some say it is drug induced but I tend to differ. When it comes I know for sure  I am going to have one hell of a night,  I can't sleep,  I can't read,  I  can't work,  I  can't think,  I can't watch something,  I  can't open my eyes, I  can't close my eyes basically the only thing I can do is rest. Just like I would after jogging walking etc. You get the picture.

Ordinarily I blacking out so  I've never noticed the mosquitoes from my side of town. Ok, I usually see them but they have never come between me and my sleep.

I recently got a fill of these monsters.

Waaaaah, Mosquito za kwetu, first sijui zimesoma au nini, they send a scout to get you from the couch and convince you to go to bed. So you stagger to bed. Kumbe, they know how to pretend haziko. So you check into bed. Niko hapo narest tu mdogo, no sleep at all. Kidogo, naskia ni kama naitwa. 'kaaaasiiiiiim'. Eish?

These creature have a way of synchronizing their noises until it sound like you are being called. I have always wondered what mosquitoes do during the day kuuumbe ziko busy zinacram majina za wasee. I remember when we were kidoz my mother told us never answer if someone calls out your name at night it could be the devil. So i just shtuka but I dont answer lest its the devil. But just by jacking, the damn things mark your last know position.

Then they pull a Pearl Harbour on you. What!!!!! Mosquito ka 50 start hanyeing around your ears. I dont mind mosquitoes I am hardcore I cant get malaria even it was served on a plate. I hate the SOUND OF MOSQUITOES! They even know how to make a noise its like they are dying so that you peep ama a noise such that you think one is trapped under the beddings so that you uncover yourself. Ukijifunua tu ivi, batallion now they are under the sheets and over the sheets. Shit!

I decided to be the human being in this situation. Mortein doom, plugin, weka ON and watch the bastards die one by one.

 Hahaaaa, whose the dead muthafucker now!

I have always thought that the reason I hardly ever notice the mosquitoes is coz of the doom. Shock on my ass, this creatures were pulling ninja warrior moves on the doom. It's like they are daring each other, because they we flying right through the fumes like it was off. I ended up inhaling this fumes paka nikawa high thinking if put my head right next to the doom thingy, they won't have shit on me.

Finally decide to wake up and begin my day. Thinking it has to be over, it morning, its time for mosquitoes to call it a day and I call it a night, I receive another shocker. This monster have perfected a bite on the go tactic, they don't chill as they bite you, as you chomoa your PJs to hit the shower zinakuuma zikiwa zimesonga. The only problem is that they have kunywa so much blood hazies mekit kufly to the ceiling ama wherever it is they fly to so the hide under the bed. Ujinga NI.

I have to go back to the drawing damn board about this. Its no longer about malaria, these things are just playing around.... I am open for any ideas if you have seen worse and dealt with the situation... Help a brother out. Mosquito za kwenu zinabehave aje?


bateleur girl said...

Your writing has got me laughing :-D and you give hope with your encounters.Quite original!

Kasimvz said...

Thanks :-)