Friday, August 6, 2010

And then what....

happy new year to you all,

according to the Gregorian calender, the new year was some time at the beginning of this year, but according to me, this is as new as it gets, new constitution, new Kenya, new hustle, new state of mind it is all new in the hood...

The euphoria frenzies and the happiness, the winners, the losers we have seen in all in the last couple of days...

Kenyans came out in large number and cast their votes on their opinion about the proposed new constitution which in a few days will be promulgated by the president into law... I was once such fellow and i did enjoy the moment, y'all should have seen this;I was strapped like a bungee jumper, i-pod, newspaper, fanta to take care of the massive hand down, Kanye West stunners so no one could see my eyes, ooooh it was good unfortunately, I was on the cue for exactly 2 minutes so all these preparations were in vain.

anyhow that is besides the point, the question is when its all said and done, what next?

most people i am sure and i can state for a fact went ahead and cast their votes without going through the document... it's all good, it is now law you have your whole life time to read it. but do people, KENYANS in particular understand what the hell this all means to us as a nation...

I have this gut feeling that a lot of people will be disappointed just as it was in 2002, coz from what i have watched on the news and heard in the streets, people voted as they did in expectation of change... which is true change will come, but are Kenyans patient enough to wait for it. Rest assured a couple of fundamental things will change immediately, but these will not boil down to you as the mwananchi. what you expect, will take time and hopefully if the 2012 elections don't sway your focus you might just begin to notice these things round about then...

back to us as individuals, what next for us, i was reading the standard newspaper and they had posted a question about how the clergy will be treated after this referendum... my God, wakenya ni makrack. (Friday 6th August pg 16 Standard Newspaper). i concluded that those were opinions of atheists, but then again, who am I to judge an honest sample?

personally i think people go to church for hope... on my opinion the church did make a flaw in siding against the constitution but that's besides the point right now... i would like to see any one person who was a faithful and after 4th will seize going to church... ukiona yeye, pigia mimi simu. human beings cannot do without church.

At this point we need to evaluate ourselves and start making right choices... as i have come to discover, Kenyans do things according to what the majority does or what is said to them, closing away the better options commonly known as THINKING & RESEARCHING

For example, I went to one church one time, and at some point the priest or pastor or that guy who tells you things from the front, stood and said a prayer, then he said, I am sure you have heard this one time or another in your life

*first the music is left purely to the pianist, who plays a solemn tune in the background*

Everyone closed their eyes and bowed.

pastor: "i am sure you have problems in your life, things are not going according to your plan money is a problem, you haven;t been faithful blab blab blab, i want to take this opportunity to invite you to give your life to Christ....."

In the back of my head i was saying this things are normal, i mean at one point i am broke and the works, then i asked myself, what if i am a good guy does the right thing all day everyday no problem, i pray kila siku, why should i sign up for this?

Mark you by that time peeps had flocked the pulpit like a disaster. *i peeped* (The same peeps who are expected to denounce the church... NO WAY, Ho-say)

Who better to ask than the person, hapo mbele? so i raised my hand and asked MR PASTOR that exact question.

the pastor said, "Son Jesus is an enigma, do not try to understand"

What? so i was meant to sign up for something, i will not understand so that i have to been in those church groups, be forced to pay tithe on my zero income and get involved in church issues.... APANA!!!!!! I will not let my hope and faith be mounted on face value.

my good friends, i made the choice to end my church going career at that particular point. (Don't get it twisted, I BELIEVE IN GOD AND JESUS, i just don't go to church)

another example,

i recently attended an introductory seminar to one of these self enhancement talks and i was astonished by the sheep mentality of people

so, apparently these forum had just ended and they were doing an introduction to the next forum sometime in Jan next year...

wololo these peeps know how to take your money,

so he introduces himself, asks you a couple of leading questions, you know the ones that you will always answer yes, and in the back of your mind you are saying all those yeses, then he tells you that he could tell you what he thinks about you outright(SELF EXPRESSION COUPLED BY INTEGRITY) and he could make you say it as it is also....

I personally think that this doesn't go down well to introduce to Africans coz we think with our heart on matters that involve relations and other people..

A couple of people who had attended the just concluded forum, stood and said how awesome it was, and how everyone in the room should do it... and then came the part about the hard earned money, a non refundable deposit was to be made made of 2000 ksh, In a room of about 200 or so peeps i think i was the only one who dint pay up.(Another ksh. 13000 should have been paid sooner than later)

i was shocked, this was just like seeing an advert on a product and brandishing your cheque book. these people have trained to make you do exactly that.

my point is think before you make choices, analyze what the hell is going on, you cant just get 10 people to tell me that something is good and i should pay for it and i do... its like the supermarket effect, unless you have a shopping list you will be tempted to by the whole store.

i would have parted with 2000 right there but i thought, on such an ambush this 2k is much more valuable to my pocket, now than it would be acting as a deposit.... if my analysis and my questioning of others who have actually attended (keyword: KITAMBO, not just concluded) this forum convinces me that this is the right thing to do, I will go and pay 15,000 before January and i will attend. Until then, my money stays in my pocket.

we have choices, and most of the time, our character is determined by the choices we make... lets as try and make the right ones from a point of reason

one thing is for sure when it comes to beer, i choose the place with the fairest price... screw ambiance, i have that at home screw company, my beer is my best company